Sunday, June 15, 2014

Behavioral Objectives for Music Class

Behavioral objectives are objectives which require students to demonstrate their abilities by completing a task.  Behavioral objectives can most easily be assessed by students fulfilling a rubric of completing the activity correctly, partially correctly, or not correctly.  The following objectives are ones that I have actually used in my classroom.

1. For kindergarten: Students will echo rhythms correctly on the rhythm sticks that are first played by the teacher.


Circle one.

0 points - student made 4 or more mistakes when performing the rhythm
1 point - student performed the rhythm partially correct, but made 1-3 mistakes
2 points - student performed the rhythm correctly with no mistakes

2.  For first grade: Students will demonstrate aural recognition of a percussion instrument by choosing the correct instrument played by a classmate while the testing student was not looking.


Circle one.

0 points - student chose the incorrect instrument with a different timbre (such as choosing a drum when a triangle was played)
1 point - student chose an instrument of similar timbre (such as a tambourine instead of a triangle), but not the one that was played
2 points - student chose the correct instrument

3.  For third grade: Students will jump onto the correct pitch on a treble clef staff on the giant staff.
(This is a game we play after we have learned to name the notes on the treble clef staff; the staff is made of tape on the floor and the students show their understanding of pitch names by standing on the line or space that corresponds with the name of the pitch.)

Circle one:
0 points - student did not stand on the correct pitch
2 points - student stood on the correct pitch

4.  For fourth grade: Students will individually perform "Hot Cross Buns" on the recorder with correct pitches, rhythms, and at an appropriate tempo.


Circle one.

10 points - student performed "Hot Cross Buns" with correct pitches, rhythms, and at an appropriate tempo.
7-9 points - student performed "Hot Cross Buns" mostly correctly, but with 1-3 mistakes in either pitches, rhythms, or tempo.
4-6 points - student performed "Hot Cross Buns" about half correct, with 4-6 mistakes in either pitches, rhythms, or tempo.
1-3 points - student performed "Hot Cross Buns" mostly incorrectly, with 7-9 mistakes in either pitches, rhythms, or tempo.
0 points - student refused to perform "Hot Cross Buns" individually

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